Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teddy Bear

Well I have completed the hand-knitted teddy bear.  He is adorable and it turned out well.  At first, I thought my teddy would be horrible due to the fact that I never have knitted a teddy bear let alone a stuffed hand-knitted animal.  As you can see, this will not be my first knitted animal. 

In this picture, I am putting all the pieces together to be stuffed and sewned.

In this picture, my teddy is all completed.  I used buttons for his eyes and nose.  He is the softest teddy.  Just too cute!

You have to admit, he is one fine looking teddy.  The scarf was made by Lois.  This teddy will be given as a gift to a child with love.

In the shoebox my teddy goes.  Isn't he cute?  Hopefully the child that receives this shoebox will have many years of enjoyment.  The shoebox was loaded down with toys, even a knitted hat and scarf to go along with teddy's scarf.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I am walking down memory lane today.  Below is a picture of my son (18 years ago) and Marvin's daughter (16 years ago).  When I put these pictures on the table together, I was in awe of how much these two little people could go for brother and sister if you didn't know otherwise.

I had a sweet tooth, so I made this chocolate sheet cake the other night.  You can see how much the Haynes family love sweets.  Not sure if you can see the dishcloth, but I knitted this and if you look closely you might see the word HOME.  I knitted the border in seed stitch.  I love the way the seed stitch looks instead of the garter stitch.

Home dishcloth

Marvin pulled out the Christmas tree and got all the limbs all bushy to hold all the lights and ornaments.  This tree was purchased the same year my son was born.  As you can see, we are getting ready for a beautiful Christmas. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow, I must say it has been a while since I have blogged.  Life is good, but busy.  It seems like yesterday my son graduated from high school even though I know it has been many months now.  Where is the time going?

I am back and will blog at least weekly to keep everyone abreast of what project(s) I am working on.  Even though I have said in the past I would not work on more than one project at a time, well guess what.... never say never.  I have several project(s) I am doing at one time.....

I have been working on this piece for a while and I have to say I lost my mojo for cross stitching.  Seriously, yes!  It can happen to the best of us, but now that I am back this piece (which I believe is called Legion) will be finished over the holidays.  I am going to turn this piece into a pillow. 

Now that my mojo is back in full steam, I decided to cross stitch another piece.  This piece I believe is called Good Coffee, Good Tea.  This is a beautiful piece with a woman on the left hand side (one is holding coffee, the other is holding tea).  Most definitely this piece will be framed and hung in my kitchen. 

Along with my love for cross stitching, my other love is knitting.  Knitting is so soothing and for all you knitters can't you hear the click, click, click of the knitting needles?  This is the body of a teddy bear.  I have to make two pieces of the body, two pieces of the arms, two pieces of the legs, two pieces of the ears, one head, one snout and then sew it all together and stuff.  If you want to come and knit with me, this pattern is taken from Simply Baby by Debbie Bliss.  This is my first knitted teddy bear, so I am looking forward to seeing the final product.

Lastly, I am still working out, slimming down and still a member of Weight Watchers.  This dish is Baked Apples.  Man-o-man it is delicious, even my partner (Marvin) loved it.  The apples are cooked in a slow cooker and makes your home smells devine.  The taste is superb and the apples melts in your mouth.  If you are interested in this recipe, it can be found in the WeightWatchers Weekly November 4-10, 2012. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday (WW)

Weigh-in at Weight Watchers was great.  I have shedded another 2 lbs within a week.  Today, I did something for me to add as an incentive in my weight loss goal.  I bought a food scale and an exercise mat.  I have always wanted a food scale and it was on sale, yeah!  This scale is going to come in handy when it is time for me to measure my portion ounces.  I have an exercise dvd that really makes you sweat.  When I say sweat, you are sweating your buns off within 30 minutes and I have not gotten down to the abs section yet.  That's where the exercise mat is going to come in handy for my abs.  Since I have been walking and working out, I notice that my abs are going down but now I am ready to step it up by getting that firm tight belly.  Another part of my body that is going down is my butt.  Yeah, I said butt.  One morning I was walking and this lady that also walks came up to me and wanted to know how much I had lost because she said I was looking good.  When I told her, she said that she could tell I had lost weight but especially in my butt.  I took that as a great compliment.  I know there are a lot of women that wants a big butt; me, no way. 
The next thing about losing weight is that some people take a double look.  For instance today, I was walking down the hall and I happened to wave at a co-worker.  That man looked, looked, then he said is that you Tywanna?  He didn't recognize me.  Mind you, I do not mind the attention it is all fun and in good jest.  But I have run into someone from my childhood.  Marvin and I have been hanging out, just having a great time spending quality quiet times.  Doing all that quality time just sitting around watching movies on tv, cooking at home, talking about the past and present, we have not been on an actually date.  Friday is going to be our first date night.  I have dated guys in the past, but Marvin makes me think about life and look at life totally different.  Plus, he expresses himself well.  I am going to go a little bit deeper here, Marvin was the first boy that I was crazy about at age 10.  His sister and I were the same age, and I was crazy about Marvin.  After my mom and I moved from that area at age 10, I lost contact with a lot of friends.  Last year I was walking into Food Lion and guess who was coming out of Food Lion; if you said Marvin you are correct.  We spoke to one another but didn't carry on a conversation.  This year I had a chance to speak to him on speaker phone.  I only said Hi Marvin......, now this is where it gets surreal to me.  When I said those two words "Hi Marvin", there was a pause then he said is this Tywanna?  I gasped, because I was thinking to myself how does he know my voice.  In fact, I asked him that question after we started talking.  One of my closest friends said it is "destiny"! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

God's Nature Beauty

After returning home from my two miles walk, I noticed in my flower garden this gorgeous white rose with dew on it.
Right next to this gorgeous rose is a very beautiful sunflower.  My sunflower is ready for the sun to come out so that it can turn in the direction of the sun rays.  The story behind my sunflowers is that they are planted by the birds.  I have three bird feeders and birds can be messy with the seeds.
Along with sunflowers, I have noticed wheat and corn growing in my flower garden. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

What are you having for lunch.........

I am having for lunch zesty italian baked chicken breast, broccoli, potato salad and for dessert a quaker chocolate rice cake.  Before you even asked, yes I cooked everything you see here.  It smells and tastes so good.  As you can see by my plate, all food items are portion control except for the broccoli.  I can eat as much broccoli as I want.  Looking at my plate, what do you think would be the most heavy food?  If you said my potato salad, you are correct.  I even made it using light Duke's mayo.  I will never go back to regular mayo!

I haven't blogged in a while so let me update everyone on my weight loss progress.  To date, I have lost a total of 31.4 lbs.  I still have 40 lbs to go to reach my weight based on my height.  I have told lots of people that losing weight was the best decision I could have done for myself.  I feel great.  Also, joining weight watchers has helped a lot.  I love reading the success stories, I love their recipes of the day (in fact I have tried several of their recipes, which have been good), and I love tracking my food and activity points. 

I don't know all of you that is going through this journey with me, but hang in there for a brand new YOU.  I had my special friend (guy of course) tell me I look great.  By the way, he and my son (my son played a huge part in my weight lost) have not seen anything yet.  I have to admit I love the way my clothes are now looking and fitting on me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Home Grown Veggies / WW Weigh-in

Y'all look at all these delicious veggies that I picked out of my parent's garden including the bell peppers in the basket.  If you have a craving for a great crunchy snack, cut up a bell pepper.  It is nothing for me to slice up a bell pepper, arrange in a bowl and recline in a chair watching a movie and eat away.  I can eat them plain or I will take 2 tbsp of ranch dressing and have a feast.  The only thing fattening about that dish is the salad dressing!

Today at ww weigh-in, I lost 4.6 lbs.  All you that is reading my blog and working with your weight lost goals, don't give up!  Set a realistic goal and stick with it.  For this week I commit to lose between 1-2 lbs, but if I lose more that is awesome too.  ~ TJ ~ 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Believe - It Works

I will be heading out for the weekend pretty soon, but wanted to drop a line to those that are losing or thinking about losing weight.  Whether you have begun or starting out, don't get discourage and step on the scale every so often or at least once a week.  Moms and I get up early-early and walk 2-miles per day.  Moms is looking good, so I asked her how much have you lost......, answer was "don't know, because I do not get on the scale might get discouraged."  Ok, yesterday I walked with this lady from my mom's church and asked her the same thing about her weight and how is ww working for her......, answer was "I can feel it in my clothes, but I don't weigh myself because I don't want to get discouraged."  Do you see a trend here?  Scale and discouraged......not good...., sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to get where you need to be.  I have decided to drop in by my parent's house and sniff out the scale, put it in a noticeable place (kitchen area) and get my mom to hope on it.  I will be recording her weight each week.... I am tired of the excuses (there is another excuse that she uses that I will not mention).  Good luck to yall and I will be updating my blog Wednesday as how I did in class.

Isn't this a gorgeous picture......., thanks Kent!  I have this picture on my office wall and I swear that wolf is in 3D.  It seems like the head and the body is getting ready to step out at you.  I don't know where Kent got this picture, but it is made out of some type of wood.  Lovin' it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cherries and Bananas

Look what I picked up from Food Lion today.  Cherries and Bananas, what a great combination and guess what?  Both are only 0 points with ww.  These cherries are tender and juicy.  I am going to have to make another trip to Food Lion ~ or ~ maybe I need to hide the cherries in the back of the fridge from my son.  We cannot even keep bananas in the house.  Imagine what will happen with the cherries!

I decided to start on a new cross stitch.  This piece is called Legend.  I have no idea why it is called that.  Since I don't have the chart in front of me, I want to say the chart is dated back in 1976 or '72.  My plans are to write to the company to see if they are still in business and have any more charts.  Once I finish this piece, I am going to start on the other chart by the same person.  I am going to turn these pieces into pillows and sit them around in my living room.  ~ TJ ~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Restarting Weight Watchers feels GREAT!

Today was a great day at my Weight Watchers meeting.  Joy Ward, our ww leader, is great.  If you live in the Raleigh-Durham area and is interested in an exciting, vibrant and cheerful leader, please feel free to look her up.  She does other ww sessions.  My goal now besides losing weight, reading the ww weekly, but is also to become a lifetime member of ww.  Joy explained to me how it works and my maintenance weight goal.  Very easy since I need to be that weight size due to my height.  Now to let you all know what I am down to........, 215.4!  This week I commit to lose between 1-2 lbs. 

I am loving the new me......, and it is a long time in coming.  I can remember when I first started exercising how I hated it and would be all out of breathe just from one lap around Pilot's track.  Now, that did not even include working out to kickboxing, zumba and cardio dance.  When I first started does classes I would be outta there in 10-15 minutes.  After pushing myself, I love exercising.  In fact, I cannot wait to hit the track this evening.  My confidence is coming back yall.  When I was walking into the building where I work, this man was coming out.  I know his face but not his name.  Anyway, he held the door and as I entered he said you are looking different, I like it and you are sharp.  Before I could really say thank you, he was gone.  Don't know if he was embarassed, but it was a GREAT compliment coming from someone that I don't know or have not carried on a conversation with. 

Another great thing about eating healthy is that my son is eating what I eat.  Maybe because he doesn't have a choice, but choice-change is good.  I had bought several ww smart ones.  When I went to grab one for breakfast, I noticed some were missing.  Now mind you, there is other foods in the freezer microwaveable that might not be good.  I do buy unhealthy food, because sometimes I just have to have that taste in my mouth but I am learning to control my food portions.  That's it sensible food portion control and something that I hope to teach to my son as well.  When I asked my son about it, he said yeah and they were good.  So that made me feel good as well.  I will be picking up more ww smart ones along with stopping by the NC Farmer's Market for some great veggies/fruits. 

For all you that is looking to lose weight, my motto is "just do it".  Regardless if you mess up on a day, just remember tomorrow is a new day. ~ TJ ~

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yellow Sunflower / Dolls / Weight Watchers

The day I took this picture of this yellow sunflower dishcloth was the same day I mailed it to its new owner.  I decided that I would start back knitting and sell my products.  I knitted this cute sunflower on 100% cotton yarn.  This dishcloth always get rave reviews. 

Along with my other hobbies, I am a collector of dolls.  Well, I used to be anyway; I have slowed down a whole lot in purchasing dolls.

This doll is very interesting too me.  She was purchased from an estate sale, which I waited until the last minute to outbid all others.  This doll has been appraised to have been made in the early 1920s era. 

As you can see by the clothing, whomever made this doll was very detail.  I would love to know if this doll was made for a little girl, because she is in excellent condition.

and, here is just a few of my other babies.  All these dolls including the one above is kept in the bucket that you see in the background.  The bucket is really cute, minature size that I paid $1.00 for at the Farmer's Market.  I believe at that time I had purchased some peaches and asked the guy if he would be willing to sell that bucket.  I had all four dolls to the left in the bucket, but the doll above I kept on my work table.  Each afternoon I would find the doll above on the floor.  I figured either she jumped......., or my cat at the time put her there.  I will let you figure that one out.

Yesterday, I and a lady from my mom's church walked 2 miles since this was the first time we actually met and walked.  While walking around the Pilot's track there was a men's soccer game going on.  Each time we would get closer and pass the soccer field there would be a lot of whistling.  Did that feel good,...... yes, because it does a lot to a person's ego.  I can't say which one of us the whistling was for (probably both of us), but I will say this men are taking notice. 

The best thing about today is that I re-joined Weight Watchers.  I had people tell me that I didn't need to join, because I was losing weight on my own.  The reason I joined is because I really like weight watchers and the team leader was great.  Not only that, but after watching this woman in the first meeting (today) reached her weight goal and on top of that she is now officially a lifetime member of weight watchers that gave me the biggest incentive to get busy.  Becoming a lifetime member has it perks and I know that is where I want to be.  I am still losing, working out and will let y'all know how I do at my first weigh-in next week.  I am so looking forward to seeing the new me. ~ TJ ~

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Before/After and what I am eating today.....

First, I want to say thanks to all that is following my blog and have sent me offline emails regarding my weight goal.  Just from losing 15 lbs already, I feel really good and am looking forward to working out this afternoon.  I had prepared my duffel bag for gym this afternoon, but then I left it at home instead because I feel like walking 2-4 miles around the Pilot's track.  Then before I crawl into bed tonight, I will do my 30-minutes weight watchers workout cd.  I mentioned in one of my blogs that it took my son's comment to me that I am fat to WAKE ME UP.  Well, this morning on my way out, my son said to me "mom, I can tell you are losing weight."  That young man has not seen nothing yet!

Last week I had to run some errands, so I stopped by Wendy's to grab a bite.  While waiting in line there was this good looking picture of a salad called Berry Almond Chicken Salad.  After purchasing that salad, I went to BJ's and picked up all the ingredients and made the exact same salad at home and also this is what I am having for lunch today. 
Can I tell a difference between Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad and Tywanna's Berry Almond Chicken Salad,..... and the answer is "no".  I will be having this for dinner as well.  I love salads, especially salads as tasteful as this one.

Now, I want to share before and after pictures:


Me at 238 lbs.


                         Me at 219.5 lbs.

Same person, different pictures.  Pictures do not lie y'all.  Next picture update will be at 15-20 lbs.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weight Loss

Checking-in on my weight loss.  As of today, I have lost a total of 15 lbs.  I know there are people that are watching to see if I am going to do it this time......"yes, I am!"  In the past I have been like a yo-yo (up, down, up, down), but not anymore.  Do you know it is hard work to lose weight?  During my ordeal of losing, I pulled off my bookshelf "The Me I Knew I Could Be" by Crystal Phillilps.  I have had this book for so many years that I cannot remember when I first purchased it, so you can tell by that comment that I had every intentions of losing weight years ago.  This is a great book about a woman that went from 292 lbs to a size 6.  Also, this book contains wholesome recipes with the calories breakdown, two weeks of menu and an overview from week 1 to week 16, which you can follow. 

If you are interested in reading the book I am currently reading, here it is.....

Another comment I want to make, after losing 15 lbs I can feel it in my clothes especially my pants.  I have decided I am going to lose another 10 lbs, then I will slowly upgrade my closet (throw out the old in with the new).  Cool comment coming from someone like me that shopped for everyone else except for myself.  Yep, I am looking forward to shopping.  Have a great 4th of July!

Friday, June 22, 2012

It has been a while since I posted due to a very busy schedule.  My son graduated high school on June 9th.  That was a huge tremendous success.  I know people will say graduating from college is a huge success, but I am hear to say different......, whenever you can see your child graduate from high school that is one hell of an achievement especially due to the high school drop-out rate.  I still cannot understand why teenagers feel they have to drop out of school "when it is free".  Don't they realize by dropping out and going to get their GED or high school equivalent certificate that cost money.  Not only does it cost money, but it cost time especially if you have to wait on someone to pick you up and take you.

Here I am sitting on top of my son's motorcycle.  I have decided I am going to post my works of art, but I am also going to post weekly how I am doing with my weight loss.  This picture is showing you at my biggest (look at those arms and all that bundle roll up into one big self of me!).  What woke me up is when my son told me about 5-6 weeks ago, you are fat and I like the pictures at grandma's house that shows you smaller.  I have heard comments over the years about my weight from family members, parents, men and women, but it took the voice of my child to get me hell bent on losing.  I am in my fourth week and I am here to tell you it has not been easy.  I have lost a little over 10 lbs, one week I did mess up but I got myself right back on track.  The one thing about losing those 10 lbs is that I received notice from people that I figured wasn't looking, wow!  Can you imagine what the next 10 lbs are going to be like? 

In order for me to lose the weight, I started cooking differently and working it like in "work out".  I love doing me some cardio dance, zumba and kickboxing.  Along with that I came across a weight watchers 30-minute workout cd.  I did not even know I had this cd until I was going through some stuff.  I love this cd and it works you out.  So if you are reading this blog and want to get fit, then come join me.  We can be blog buddies keeping it real!  Gotta go, I have a 3 mile walk with a friend later even though I just finished 2 miles in this humid heat. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Once Upon A Time......

is finally finished.  Two completed UFOs out of four is not bad.  I have many hobbies that are turning into money making businesses.  These past weeks have been very busy for me, but the rewards have been awesome. 

Since this is a long holiday weekend, I am going to take some time out to look around my bedroom for a cd that I hide from myself.  Actually, I didn't hide it but I did put it away for safekeeping.  The cd is a pattern making.  What I am going to do is take one of my son's drawings (he likes to draw crosses) and turn it into a cross stitch.  Years ago when I used to work part-time, I had my son with me (he was about 8 or 9 yrs old) and he was standing at the counter while I was checking a guest out.  This particular guest noticed my son's drawing and asked to see it.  When he handed the drawing back to my son, he also handed my son $10.00 and said it was really good and that one day he might look up, and the guest asked my son's name, and see advertisements or store designs by Timothy.  As the years progressed, my son never took art but he doodles like his grandmother's does.  Time will tell because you never know where that adventure might take Timothy.

As far me, I am going to soak up the sun and will always have something in my hands.  If you can dream it, you can achieve it! 

Ole Joe


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Gospel Singer

I cross stitched this piece many many years ago, but framed it on Saturday, May 19th, to give to Bridget and Michael Hartsfield as a wedding gift on their wedding day. 

I figured the frame would be complicated to put together since it came in four pieces with screws.  As Staples can say, "that was easy." 


Friday, May 18, 2012

Christening Picture

Happy Friday!  It is that time of the week if you do not have to work on the weekends to just take a breather, relax and/or do what makes you feel rested. 

While looking for a frame in my closet to frame the Gospel Singer cross stitch, I came across this picture that I have had for many years.  This is a gorgeous picture and I think the reason why I had it in my closet was because I had planned on purchasing a much better frame.  I guess it is true with that old saying, if you put something away and not use it, then you forget it is there. 

Enjoy this breathtaking scenery!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Once Upon A Time

Well, I am almost finished with this piece.  It is coming along beautifully and I like the way the little people are hanging onto the words of Papa as he tells them a story. 

I wonder if there are any Papas out there that is continuing this tradition of sitting around with their grandchildren telling stories? 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am going to be working on two projects at one time.  The first project is the beginning stages of my knitted socks.  Years ago, I self taught myself to knit socks.  It was very tedious and a task to try working with three needles as you see here, but the trick is there is a fourth needle that you don't see.  To make a long story short, my very first socks came out fabulous and I still have them to this day, but they have wear and tear so that is why I am pulling out the knitting needles again, because I love my knitted socks and plus you will never see them on anyone's foot unless they have knitted the same pair.  I am using one skein of the Lion Brand Magic Stripes yarn.  This one skein will make two socks. 

My next project is cross stitching.  This piece is called Once Upon A Time.  I started this piece probably around the same time as I knitted my first pair of socks many years ago.  I love this piece, because it brings back memories of sitting around family telling stories.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tywanna's roses.......

I have to admit these are some gorgeous roses.  Over the weekend I kept looking at my rose bush and thinking to myself, "this is the first time that rose bush has ever looked so grand."  I was just amazed at all the blooms that were opened and closed.  All the years I have lived in my home, I have never cut flowers to display in my house.  So I decided I would cut me some blooms and arrange them throughout my home.  This is just one of my bouquets that I have displayed in my home.

It is sad that sometimes we cannot take the time to enjoy the simple things in life that God has created.  I believe as I am getting older and wiser, I do things that I normally would not have done when I was in my mid-20s.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tywanna's reversible pillow

Hi, Tywanna here! 

Me and three other ladies decided to do a He is Risen SAL (stitch along).  When I started on this SAL, I immediately knew that I would not be framing this piece but would make it into a fabulous pillow with lace edging.  My first time working with lace edging and I have to admit I did a wonderful job.

After stitching the front of the pillow, I said to myself why not make this a reversible pillow.  I shopped around looking for the idea fabric for the back and I just could not find anything that I
really liked.  So, I decided I would ask the next best person...... a friend that quilts.  If you have a friend as a quilter, then more than likely that person will have lots and lots or should I say tons and tons of left over fabric.  So that is how I came into this pretty Christian fabric that I decided to use as the back of my pillow.  I love the way the front and back have the same Christian feel, I love the colors and especially the messages. 

Thanks for visiting my blog and come back often to see my next works of art.  Have a bless Tuesday everyone!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hang in there!

Have you ever heard that expression, "when you find yourself in trouble, hang in there?"  Well this little frogger was doing just that.  While standing in my bedroom, I heard my ac unit cut on but then I heard a thud.  I knew it was nothing wrong with the ac, but I said let me see what's going on.  Take a very close look at this picture, what do you see?
Yes, do you see that frogger hanging on by a thread?  Don't despair!  I happened to look outside my window and noticed this poor frogger hanging in there, now mind you the blades were moving at that particular time.  I ran and cut the ac unit off, praying the whole time that this little fellow was still holding on.  As you can see, he was still hanging in there.  Can you image this frogger's heart rate?

 After a few minutes, the frogger decided to climb out and then paused.  I believed this frogger noticed me with my camera and probably said a silent thank-u. 

After testing the safety, this little frogger hop, hop, hop and saying his final farewell took a flying leap.  Hopefully, this little one learned a valuable lesson and will live a very adventurous long life.

Moral of the story, when faced with a challenge hang in there.  Don't give up!

Monday, April 16, 2012

This cross stitch piece represents our savior, Jesus Christ.  Taken from Luke 24:6, He is not here; he is risen.  Me and three other ladies decided to do this piece as a SAL (stitch along) for Good Friday.  Each piece is being showcased on .  My piece will be finished by the end of this week, so you will need to tune in later to see the final outcome.  I love my little angels, they are so cute!  Happy Monday everyone.

Friday, April 13, 2012

As I was driving into work one morning, I happened to look up and saw the most beautiful amazing bow.  I had to pull over and take a picture of this bow, because it is a sign to me that whatever is going on in my life or your life, God has not forgotten or forsaken me or you.  Many years ago when I was driving in to work I noticed that the sky was a very dark blue (right after a down pour), but there was the most beautiful bow I have ever seen even to this day.  Back then I wanted to stop, but I didn't and I hated it afterwards because that bow displayed the most splendid colors I have ever seen.  So when I saw this bow, I tooked the time to pull over and take a picture.  I felt like God has been very good to me and my family, so why not take a minute or more out of my time to smell the roses.

I have already started stitching this piece.  When I tooked this picture I was in the beginning stitching stages.  This is going to be a gorgeous piece and you will have to come back to see what it actually becomes and read the message.  I can tell you right now, I will not be framing this piece but it will be shaped into ......... not telling, just come back shortly to see for yourself.

On behalf of the Martin Family and I know they will not mind me saying this to the world, but I would like to thank everyone that marched peacefully for Justice for Trayvon Martin, attended any church meetings for Justice for Trayvon Martin, gave any money towards the Martin Family for Justice for Trayvon Martin, but especially I want to thank everyone that signed the petition:

Just remember regardless of the color of your skin, this could have been your baby.  Yes, Trayvon Martin was a baby even though he was 17 yrs old.  My son is a couple years older than Trayvon and I call my son "my baby".  People have a tendency to think just because a teen-ager turns 18 yrs old and the government says they are a grown up then to people they are grown up, well I am here to say "not".  When I turned 18 yrs old, I was still thinking like a teen-ager.  George Zimmerman was a grown man and should have presented himself like one and thought like one.  George Zimmerman was not 17 yrs old!

Until next time friends, be bless and be safe!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Finally this UFO is no longer considered an UFO.  I have finished this piece and I absolutely love the way all the colors blended in so well.  I am not going to frame this piece right away, because I am going to do Sea Scenes by Jeanette Crews to go along with The Fisherman.  Then I will frame all the pieces together.  Thanks for stopping by my blog and come back soon to see the next cross stitch in action.